
2021…Here’s hoping!!

Ok…So 2020 was a bit of a wash! Now we’re into 2021 and a whole new year, well, it kind of looks like the old year just a new number! We are still socially isolating, masking and remaining in our respective towns! Never in my life have I felt the need to safely enter a crowd and then ignore everyone!! The past year has been a doozy hasn’t it? Change, loss, toilet paper shortages (still don’t get that one), fear, panic, ignorance, missinformation, conspiracy’s galore, and a new president in the US. It’s been such a unique year, er, wait, lets think about this for a few minutes………………….Tick Tock……………. Hey wait a minute, we have experienced, lets face it, LIFE! In all its grand glory! Life changes minute by minute, day by day and so we are not in a “new normal” we are in our life. It is how we manage ourselves that can set us up for success or help us wallow in our self-pity. The pandemic has made any losses feel more severe, but they were losses we would likely have experienced anyway just with social distancing we have really lost some of our humanity.

What to do, what to do, what to do… wallow in self pity, hmmm, thats easy but it doesn’t seem productive. Rage and howl at the moon, that may be in part cathartic but still not particularly productive. Seek out and distribute misinformation about COVID, politics and political parties/individuals? Well that one seems like the new world order has taken care of that. If you don’t like the fair results than keep telling everyone it was stolen from you! Ok that last one I do after each lotto draw, but they still haven’t given me my winnings yet! I refuse to believe that MY ticket is anything but the winning ticket, I play the lottery better than anyone I know, really I’m the best of all time!! Ok ok, enough with the self-centred babble bull…poop of this post.

I think this year it’s time to delve into something new(ish). First I think I’m going to spend more time with my family. Then dedicate time to my hobbies such as this website and enjoy it more. Get more stuff in this then maybe I can actually get people to comment rather than get truck loads of spam! Playing with my website will help me learn a few things about programming that I can apply in other aspects of my life. Maybe find a way to get paid to work from home!! Ahhh pipe dreams! And for sure I’d like to win the lottery, I’m not greedy, just one big pot then I’d leave it to others to win themselves.

Ok well lets start small, here is a matching game below. There’s pictures of a random nature, and coffee beans you can find. Match the images, just for fun, they’re my images and I enjoyed shooting them so in keeping with the photography nature of this site match them. Once you finish comment and let me know how many moves and how much time did it take. I’ll post other quizes and games in future postes. And as a personal thing, I’ll see if I can get another post in March. Cheers All and Stay Safe.

Here is the matching game. It’s short, sweet and pretty images. Cheers. [h5p id=”1″]